Tiger is a large and powerful animal, the largest representative of the cat family. The body length is about 100cm, weight reaches 390 kilograms. The anterior part of the animal's body is more muscular than the posterior part. The pattern drawn on the body is characteristic only for tigers, on the planet there are no animals with this kind of color.
Beautiful green eyes, wide nose, round ears and, of course, sharp teeth. Handsome, and not only. it has excellent vision, good hearing and a good sense of smell. Tigers live in the South of Asia, in Transcaucasia, in the Primorsky Territory. The largest is the Amur tiger and lives only in the Far East. The main food - large ungulates: wild boar, deer and antelope. For one dinner tiger eats about thirty kilograms of meat. In the absence of such, the predator can eat smaller animals.
Tiger's hunting possessions are vast, it is constantly in search of new victims, it hunts mostly alone. Excellent runner, though only at short distances. It can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h.
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